Shocking Development



The application provides Hawaiian electric customers ways to save their electric fees by cutting down their green house gas usages.

Here is a link to the application which was deployed through Digital Ocean.
Additionally, here is a sample gif of the running application.


Milestone 1

Here is a link to the page for Milestone 1 (M1).
Most of milestone 1 was centered around on developing the mockup pages and the basic data for the applications.

Milestone 2

Here is a link to the page for Milestone 2 (M2).

Milestone 3

Here is a link to the page for the issues covered in Milestone 3 (M3).

Milestone 4

Here is a link to the page for the issues covered in Milestone 4 (M4).

Milestone 5

Here is a link to the page for issues covered in Milestone 5 (M5).

Milestone 6

Here is a link to the list of issues covered in Milestone 6 (M6).



Here are some community feedback Shocking Emissions has received.


To download the source code please head over to the repository page and download the master branch.
To run the native app, cd into the master branch directory of your computers native terminal and get to the app folder. Then, install meteor in the app folder using this command Then run meteor npm run start within the app folder head to http://localhost:3000 to see the app running. To modify the native source code, it is highly recommended that you use IntelliJ Idea to modify the source code to your liking. You can download it here.